About Me

Hey ya'll! Thanks for visiting my page. If you've never been before, here's a little about me.

I am a twenty-something, living in Louisiana with my handsome husband. We lead very busy lives, and don't even have kids yet, so I can't imagine how crazy things will get when we start our own Brady Bunch!

We have been together about 4 years and got married in April of 2012. We've been on alot of crazy adventures together, my favorite being our 3 week-long trip together in Italy and Croatia.

 (Notice a theme here?  No photos past the shoulder area! lol..When I'm a super hot Victoria  Secret model, though, I'll make sure to get tons of body shots taken)

I've been overweight since probably about 3rd grade. Read more about that HERE. I lost 20 pounds on Weight Watchers about 3 years ago and kept it off for a while, but gained it all back and then some. I now count calories on My Fitness Pal and do cardio and weight training 5-6 days a week. Since I've recommitted to losing weight and becoming healthy, I've lost 13 pounds. I still have about 40-50 to go, but I'm working on it, slowly but surely. I love hearing from readers so please email any time! kassiemromero@gmail.com


  1. Hey! Congrats on the weightloss! I started losing weight about 5 weeks ago and have lost 11.6 lbs thanks to mama L, I am the same way with pictures shoulders and up only please. I started blogging to document my weightloss journey while losing these last 30 lbs I figure it will be a good kick in the pants! :)

  2. I loveee me some Mama Laughlin!!

  3. Just found your blog and following along! I'm a newlywed too! And on a journey to lose weight! Can't wait to read more! Love mama Laughlin too! She's like the mama to all the weight loss bloggers still in the middle if their weight loss! :-)
