Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happenings and Hurting

Before I get to the womp womp wompppp stuff, here's a little bit that's been going on in my world.

New Year's Eve: Snoozeville. To me, it's the second most over rated holiday ever, behind Easter. Sorry Jesus, my a** just can't handle another Reese's egg(but my body, my bodyyyy's telling me yessssss) Wow, I totally just referenced Bump n Grind and said ass all in the same sentence with Jesus. Sorry again J! We scrambled to make plans and invited a couple people to our house last minute. Most backed out so it wasn't really a barrel of fun. I fell asleep on our couch at one, with the neighbor's dog. Am I really that person? *Note to self, re-evaluate yo life.
(One of maybe three pictures taken that night. Waste of an outfit!)

My husband started a new, much better job on Monday and I'm so happy for him slightly jealous. This means he'll be home every night, off every other Friday and he already starts out with 20 vacation days for the year. Me on the other hand, I am workin' with negative four hours of vacation time. See where my jealousy lies. He's paid his dues though, so he deserves it.
This would be him making his lunch the night before his first day on the job. Leftover honey baked ham and 23 tablespoons of mayo and the dude lost a pound over the holidays. Life is so unfair.

I am continuing to get an amazing response about Operation Red Bikini! I am so proud and thrilled that so many of you are taking the challenge and I cannot WAIT to see the results. Some of you don't have your emails attached to your blogger profiles so I cannot respond via email. I am not ignoring you! I have read all the comments, just can't say anything back. Also, I have over 45 requests on Instagram and my IG app is being weird and only letting me accept two or three at a time. Also not ignoring you, just may take a while for me to accept those requests.

Now, on to less fun things. My foot. Those of you that follow me on IG already know about my injury. So sit tight while you hear about it again.

Saturday was our 5 mile group run. I ran at 8 with my girls and while it was tough mentally, I felt fine physically. I went home, showered, and headed out to do makeup for a wedding for the next three hours (this isn't odd, as I usually go shopping for groceries or do something else on my feet after a run) Sunday and Monday I felt fine still. Monday night I got home and as I was walking around cleaning up before our guests arrives, I started feeling a dull pain on the outside of my right foot. See here:
Image courtesy of Brie Fit
I thought it would just go away but Tuesday I was miserable. I literally was walking with a limp. I started icing that bad boy Monday night, into Tuesday. I then began rolling with a frozen water bottle everywhere we went. Yesterday, I felt like it might be improving, but I work a desk job so I don't have time to move around much. I also constantly rolled a frozen water bottle all day long yesterday, so it was too numb most of the day to notice. This morning, killing me again. I went to the gym because I refused to quit moving completely. I hadn't run since Saturday (and of course I won't until the pain is completely gone) I figured I'd take it easy and use the stationary bike, putting little to no pressure on my foot. I don't know if I just did too much or if it's that bad, but my foot is feeling like it was stomped on by an overweight elephant this morning. I have stressed myself the f out tried doing some research and emailed several of my pro-running blogger friends for advice.
I know the best thing to do is to see a doctor, but with my husband just starting a new job, we are between insurance companies right now, and won't have coverage until his paperwork is processed. I have no idea when this will be. I read that with a stress fracture, I'd have pain at the top of my foot and I don't. I also read other injuries would cause bruising. I have no bruising or swelling at all. It's also not in the same spot as Planter's so I really have no clue what the hell is going on.
I just registered for my half marathon this past weekend. It's at the end of February. As terrified as I was to run it, I am even more terrified I won't be able to. Have any of you experienced this pain with running before? Any advice or suggestions are welcome. And if you're a prayer, say a little prayer for me (I'll need extra since I probably already pissed the big guy off with the first paragraph in this post).
ETA: This will NOT affect ORB for me. I will still be counting calories and doing what I can physically. I hope you are all gettin' it in the gym or on the pavement too!


  1. I don't have any advice on your foot, but I'm sending good thoughts. Maybe visit your local running store. They helped me cure shin splints. My hubby is the same way with weight, however when we work out together I'm in much better shape. Jillian kicked his A the other night ;-)
    Good luck!

  2. Rest, keep rolling, and wear flats. I think you'll feel better in a week or so! Secondly, you are freaking hysterical, and shame on S for eating all that amoy in front of you LOL I'm sure J already forgave you for that first paragraph! Feel better soon!

  3. I am so not a NYE girl either, and completely ok with that!! Congrats to your hubby on a new awesome job!! Lastly, I'm so sorry about your foot pain. I hope it'll heal quickly so you can resume training!!

  4. I hope your foot gets better asap!

  5. I had the same pain in my foot after a long run a couple of months ago. It hurt BAD! I had to rest for a few days. I tried to do the elliptical and I made it through with slight pain. I never went to the dr. Just ice and used some over the counter pain relief gel. It went away completely after about 5 days and never came back. Hopefully the same will happen for you.

  6. I'm in for #operationredbikini. I finally figured out this blog thing and think I have an e-mail address and my blog is actually public now. I'm computer illiterate. Ate well yesterday and went to the gym and though I'm sore today, it was awesome. Hope your foot gets better, because I know you're going to kick butt this year and meet your goals. Thanks for starting the challenge. It's nice to know of other women doing the same thing and also being held accountable. :)

  7. i had something kind of similar a couple months ago.... the only difference is sometimes I would have a horrible pain and I couldn't even walk... I was forced to go to the dr. after this happened in public. The dr. told me it was tendon spasms and I rested it for a week and took ibuprofen and felt great a couple days later... waste of a co-pay. it was in the exact same spot though. I hope it feels better soon!

  8. I hope your foot feels better girl and your hubby is a HUNK!!! For real he is... even making a sandwich.. HAHA - It is so frustrating when we hit hurdles in our running - but go get it checked out and maybe there is something (therapy) you can do at home to help it...

  9. darn men. freaking eat whatever they want and complain about how they can't gain weight. stupid. I hope your foot feels better! I had issues with tailors bunion that made it so painful to run... Maybe you need new shoes?

  10. My operation red bikini fitness time took a backseat over christmas and new years...time to get back into it! I hope your ankle feels better! I felt so bad when I saw your post on IG! ice ice ice!

  11. If I don't have a blog can I still participate in ORB?? I have instagram and facebook. You can email me at

  12. So excited about operation red bikini! I made my blog post and my goals today. I will keep instagraming and working hard. Also thanks for the suggestion about roasted cabbage, I am heading to the grocery store tonight!

  13. OMG - Jesus and ass in the same sentence.....OOPSIES!! I hope your foot starts feeling better, I know that's no fun! Good luck :) I'll be cheering you on!

  14. Ugh D: Oh no! I would say STAY OFF YOUR FOOT. Work on toning exercises (push-ups, crunches, sit-ups, free weights) anything except put more pressure on your foot. Hope you heal quickly~~~

  15. oh man, I hope your foot heels up! That is just awful! Praying for you...and awesome about the husband's new job! {even if you are a little bit J}

    PS please let me know if you would like to do a button swap! trying to do those with most of the blogs that I follow on a daily basis that have similar amount of followers! :)

  16. Hope your foot feels better, and yay for the hubby's new job! :)

  17. So sad about your footsie! I really hope it's just a random pain and it goes away soon, I'm praying for you!!

  18. Hey Twink! My foot hurts in the exact same place but on my left foot. Hardly any swelling or bruising, but hurts like a Bitch! I thought it was getting better Thursday but yesterday was really bad again. I can't decide if I should go to the dr or not... I have a 10K in 3 weeks! Eek.

  19. Feeling extra motivated by my operation red bikini goal!!! The flu held me back for a couple of days but now I'm back at it! Thanks for the inspiration and I hope your foot gets to feeling better!!

  20. Hey Lady! As a chiropractic student in my clinicals here is what I would do with the foot situation: continue the frozen water bottle, roll a tennis ball or golf ball under the arch of your foot (it's not in planters area, but with running you may develop planters). For an exercise- it's called short foot, but what you do is a muscle contraction but it works the arch of your foot- bring your toes back to heel (maybe google it- it's hard to explain). I would also see a chiropractor- the do wonders for the body!

  21. I have your EXACT pain right now after running 2 miles... Did it go away and did you figure out what it was??
