Friday, February 15, 2013

Operation Red Bikini: Are your current actions getting you closer to your goal?

Happy Thursday (or Friday if you're reading) lovebirds! 

I haven’t done a post again this week due to just a sheer lack of what to say. I did want to touch on Operation Red Bikini today, though, so here I am, in all my “not ready to wear a bikini” glory.
I know so many of you are pinning and hashtagging and tweeting and blogging about your ORB efforts and I couldn’t be prouder. I try to show my love and support to every single picture. There are over 800 pictures with #operationredbikini on Instagram. How freakin’ amazing!

Here is where I stand:
Weight-My weight has been at a standstill the past few weeks, due to poor choices for Mardi Gras and “cheating” on weekends.

This is why I have committed to giving up cheat meals for Lent. No fried food, no cream sauce, cheese-covered anything, no ice cream, no cake, no candy for 40 days. I can do it. I won’t go cold turkey on everything but lettuce and rabbit food though. I will stay within my calorie allowance for the day, every day, and I will use my judgement on snacking. I am currently working on eating a little less protein because I think that also is a small factor in my lack of a loss. More on that in another post.

Work outs-I’ve been working out with my husband on a schedule, which is what I needed. With better work hours, we get off around the same time and have time for the gym and dinner. He works two body parts per day and rarely does cardio, so I’ve been working out with him then doing my cardio after. I feel like I’m actually making progress so I’ll continue working out with him for the time being. 

Half Marathon Training/Foot Injury- Well, I’m currently at a place where I can run like hell on the treadmill with zero pain during or after, but I run less than half a mile outside and I’m in pain for 2-3 days. It’s very frustrating. I officially cancelled our hotel on Wednesday and I’ve pretty much come to terms with the fact that I won’t finish that half with my group. It is sad and expensive and I learned to not register for another race till about a week before. No refunds-not fun. Training and registration has cost me a small fortune and I haven’t even been able to participate. Lesson learned, and I’ll start back running outside again soon enough. I’m just proud I didn’t give up on other workouts because the old me would’ve. 

Red Bikini-I tried it on the other day. While I see an improvement, I’m still not where I want to be, and May will be here before we know it. Time to buckle down girls!

Have you not been tracking your food as much as you used to? Have you skipped the gym a few times this week? Well if so, here is your kick in the ass to get it back in gear and remember your goals. Will your current actions get you closer to your goal? If not, you must change it up! We can and will do this! 

P.S. Be on the lookout for another Operation Red Bikini giveaway very soon!


  1. So sorry girl you had to cancel that has to be very frustrating. I enjoyed this post - open and honest. It is time to buckle down for me too - I am right here with you.

  2. eek at this rate ill never rock a bikini lol!

  3. Thanks for this post!! Time to change it up ( as I sit here eating chips ha)

  4. I have got to be more serious too!!!!

  5. You got this, lady! So sorry about the race! It's got to be frustrating! Hopefully, some of that running on the treadmill will help also with the pain of running outside.

  6. I also need to buckle down. Starts today! Have you considered walking your half? I feel like you've worked so hard, you deserve that race bib!

  7. I wasnt doing great either... on the eating front, I have been good about working out, so to kick my #operationredbikini into full gear, I gave up bread for lent... I want to eat clean for 40 days and see what happens, I am planning on fantastic results! :)

  8. seriously, were you talking DIRECTLY to me?! cause I need to hear this over and over and over and over again.

  9. Thank you for your honesty and I miss your posts when you done post! I have been diligent with counting points this week for the first time ever including dinner and it's the true way to get where Im going - I understand the frustrations with cheat meal and not being diligent - it's hard but the best part is eventually it will be second nature (I hope!)

  10. Thanks for keepin it real. So sorry you have to cancel the race - that's no fun. But I know you will get back to running when your foot is ready.

    I have been on point with ORB this week! I am one of those IGers blowing up the #operationredbikini hashtag - and your encouragement does not go unnoticed! I always appreciate it! I finally kicked in into gear last week when I got tired of feeling so bloated (can't blame it on the holidays anymore), and dietbet and my half training have a lot to do with it. Let's keep the momentum until May!!

  11. Thanks for the post!! I needed it!! I have already let a month and a 1/2 go by I need to get my ace in gear!!

  12. Sorry about your race but thank you so much for this post. I definitely needed to read it today. I did so good at the beginning and have started backsliding now. Time to get it together!

  13. Just today I was rethinking this Bikini Thing! What was I thinking? Going to the gym right now for a Friday night workout!

  14. I always get so excited when you post! I have not been good at ALL! Tomorrow marks one month before I leave on vaca and I'm determined to be perfect diet and exercise until then! May will be here before we know it!

  15. NOOOOOOOO This really makes me want to cry :'(!!!! But you know what is best for your body and your mind! I am so proud and happy that you have not giving up and it's a little bump in thr road in this crazy roller coaster we call life! YOU ARE an amazing inspiration way to keep your head up and learn from your challenges!!!! Big hugs to you my beautiful friend! Your half is in the future I'm very sure of it!!!! XOXOXOXO

  16. oh my goodness I am so glad you wrote this post! I have been slack-a-lackin on my ORB! But, now that I am back to work I feel like I can start to get a routine in order and back into action (minus aalllll the goodiness floating around the office!) but I feel ready and i think thats a good place to be :-) good luck to you as well I hope your foot is getting better!

  17. So sorry about your run, but glad you have a workout buddy! I know I feel much better when I work out with my boy. You are going to look so good in that red bikini!

  18. BEST of luck to your goals for lent. You can absolutely do it.
    I'm sorry you had to cancel..ugh, how disappointing :(

  19. Don' give up! There will be plenty of other marathons you can partcipate in. I've also noticed that running on a treadmill is easier than outside... Wonder why though o.O

  20. I won't sign up for a marathon because of fear of injuries. Don't let this injury put fear in your heart though!

  21. I'm so sorry you had to cancel. I know that must have been really hard on you. Just know you are NOT a failure though, bc you will still do it someday! I think it's good that you know your body enough to know what the limit is.

  22. Glad you put this out here...I really needed to acknowledge thay cheat days aren't cutting it for me either...thank God for Lent :) know that we're all behind you and I'm so grateful you created ORB:) enjoy your weekend!

  23. I def needed to read this I have been supa lazy!!! And I feel terrible. I'm going to my brothers homecoming from afghan this may and I told him I would be smaller when he got home so we can all go to the beach!! Thank you sooo much for yet again motivating me!!!!

  24. Thank you for this. I really need a reminder to get after it. I've been kinda struggling lately, trying to figure out my views on nutrition and the weather has been sucky so I haven't been running. Gotta get after it!
