Tuesday, September 4, 2012

TGI Wish it was Friday

Well can I just get an AMEN for having three whole followers now? I used to have zero, then I had one, now I think my big goal will be FIFTY whole followers on day. I like to dream small. Just kidding!

Well today feels like a big fat Monday and I'm just not feeling it. Two days off for the "hurricane" and a three day weekend made this girl not want to come back to the real world. Oh well, such is life.

To my three fabulous readers, I'm sure you've noticed a tiny difference.. Okay a huge difference in my blog design. Thanks be to G*D, I got a facelift for this thing finally. Another one of my favorite blogs, Where We Can Live Like Jack and Sally, is responsible for the wonderful-ness that now graces your eyeballs. Holly's husband is now doing blog design for an excellent price. I am so happy with it! If anyone is interested in his services, shoot them an email at holly.j.stanfield@gmail.com. You won't be disappointed. He is very easy to work with and super fast.

In fat girl news, I sadly don't have time for a work out today. Yeah, I could've woken up at the crack of dawn to pound the pavement, but I chose to hit snooze 32 times instead. I get off earlier than normal today but have a meeting right after. I just recently joined a group called the Junior Auxiliary and I have to say, these ladies have done nothing but impress me since I met them. It's a local chapter of women who do volunteer work, focusing on under-priveleged kids. Each month they bring a healthy snack to the Boys and Girls club, they hold free art and fitness workshops, they collect Christmas gifts for the less fortunate and my personal favorite, they collect prom gowns, accessories and shoes and create a boutique experience for girls who can't afford to go to prom. How fun and amazing is that! I can't wait to get more involved. They also hold monthly meetings and socials that allow all of us to get to know one another. I will admit, I was terrified the first time I went. I'm the girl who thinks all women judge me and I figured it would be all "clique-y". I was 100% wrong though. I think every single woman there made it a point to introduce herself to me and hold a conversation. What a pleasant surprise! I mentioned before that my husband and I don't exactly have a tight-knit, hang out together every single weekend group of friends, so I really wanted to meet new people. After each meeting, the girls go out to dinner to socialize and I think I'll join them this time. I won't get home till probably 8:30 or so, so no gym time today. A girl gotta sleep.

Due to my chronic snoozing problem, I didn't have time to make my usual egg white and turkey  bacon breakfast so I stopped at McDonald's. I got an Egg McMuffin with no cheese and a fruit and yogurt parfait. Pfft. Or should I say, a spoonful of yogurt. It was literally a shot glass size container and it was 150 calories. Needless to say, two hours later I was hungry again and I can't go to lunch till 12:30 today. So not worth it, ya'll. Next time I'll just hit snooze 31 times and make some damn egg whites.

I hope you're all having a wonderful Monday Tuesday and not counting down the hours till Friday like I am.

1 comment:

  1. I'm laughing at... "In fat girl news..." :)

    And I love the blog re-do... I agree with you.. the colors needed to be a little darker to pop. I'm going to point everyone to your blog on Friday! :)
